As an artist, I want my images to elicit an emotion –be it positive or negative. Some of the following images you may find unsettling. But I would like to ask that you look at them with a certain cultural sensitivity and understanding. My argument here is that far more people in the world eat like the images depict. I mean, the way we eat in “westernized” countries, is not a standard to judge these photos by. I further want to point out that these images are in no way meant to sensationalize these cuisines; they merely are an accurate portrayal of some of the food handling I have found in the cuisines of other cultures.

BBQ Chicken Feet
In the streets of Vietnam, all manner of foods can be found for cheap.
#Hanoi #Vietnam #Olympus
A strange thing to find- a kitten captive in a small bird cage. Unclear of why, I fear it may have been for food.
#HoChiMinhCity #Vietnam #Olympus

I assume that due to French colonization, frogs are a popular protein in Vietnamese cuisine.
#HoChiMinhCity #Vietnam #Canon
Not Much...Just Chillin'
Many locals will buy their chickens alive and slaughter them at home themselves. I always found the “pose” of this chicken amusing.
#HoChiMinhCity #Vietnam #Canon

Surgeon's tools
Looking straight out of a medieval horror movie, a fish monger proudly displays his tools of the trade.
#HoChiMinhCity #Vietnam #Canon

Gadhimai festival is a sacrificial ceremony that is held every 5 years about 100 miles (160 km) south of the capital Kathmandu. The event involves the large-scale sacrificial slaughter of animals, with the goal of ending evil and bringing prosperity by pleasing Gadhimai, the goddess of power.
It is estimated that well over 250,000 animals are sacrificed at this festival but recent protests by animal rights groups have affected these numbers.
#Kathmandu #Nepal #Olympus